Denim Dyeing without hazardous chemicals?

The time has come to challenge 124 years of conventional dyeing with synthetic indigo.

Our Vision


Worry-Free Denim

At NordicBlue, we envision a future where worry-free denim is available for all. 


Clean consciousness

We want denim to be produced and worn with a clean consciousness, without harming the planet or the textile workers.  

Still denim for the world, but staying within our planet's capacity.


Sustainable Practices

We want to go beyond conventional denim dyeing, into a new era of sustainability. 

We firmly believe in a future where sustainable practices are not just an option, but the foundation of textile production, the norm across all major markets. 


Empowered Textile Industry

Our contribution is to empower the textile industry with eco-friendly, scalable, socially responsible, and economically viable denim dyeing solutions. 


Biological Solutions

We want to put our deep understanding of biology and sustainability to good use, developing the technologies needed to transform the industry, advocating sustainable practices, and enabling this mandatory change – and we want to do this quickly!

Our Mission

At NordicBlue, we are on a mission to eliminate the hazardous chemicals from your jeans.
We want to empower the global textile industry with eco-efficient dyeing methods prioritizing sustainability and quality and protecting our planet and textile workers.

That's why we develop eco-friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable bio-solutions to dye denim.
We start with the iconic indigo dye, so beloved - yet so harmful.
Our big, hairy, and audacious goal is to move the entire global denim industry beyond conventional dyeing methods and make denim dyeing absolutely sustainable. No compromises!

NordicBlue - reinventing denim dyeing!